
Hortiworld is a fairly young company, located in Angeren, in the middle of the Gelderland River area, home to 5 important horticultural clusters, covering approximately 7,500 hectares in which around 14.000 workers grow flowers, fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. In 2018 Rembrandt van Meegen, after a vast engineering career, decided to specialise in horticultural engineering and founded Hortiworld. He quickly mastered the world of greenhouse horticulture which resulted in a rapid growth of the company. Hortiworld works worldwide and holds engineers that have been active for years with logistics and automation solutions in both agriculture and horticulture. There is a lot of knowledge about the design and construction of the latest machines and equipment. Knowledge and insight that are used to proactively and creatively look for the best solutions for problems and wishes that exist in the companies they work for to organise work as efficiently and safely as possible. Working with what is there is always the starting point.

Sales representatives

HW sales representatives 24Worldwide sales:

Hortiworld B.V. – Angeren – The Netherlands

Hortimat – Monster – The Netherlands

Florachem-Impex Kft. – Dunaharaszti

Australia, New Zealand
Growtex Growing Technologies – Sydney



Lodderhoeksestraat 15
6687 LR Angeren
The Netherlands

Phone number: +31 (0) 859 022 029

E-mail: info@hortiworld.eu


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